Try it now!
If you want to help us, you could test the Homer software package on your Mac or PC to see if it works accordingly. Here is a compressed ZIP archive containing some test scanned images taken from a printed version of this Wiki. You can use these photos to test the software before deciding whether you are interested or not in building the single-camera cardboard-box scanner.
Follow the instructions above and at the end of the process you should end up with a PDF document featuring selectable text, which you should be able to copy and paste in another text document.
If you experience any errors during the installation or the usage of the Homer script and its supporting software, please report them to this page.
Test it on Linux (or other OS)
Another way you could help us is to test the Homer bash script on a Linux machine. You can download the standalone bash script from this link:
The script requires the following packages:
While Scan Tailor is not strictly required to run the Homer bash script, you may find it useful to test the Tesseract + PDFbeads step. The source code of Scan Tailor for GNU/Linux can be downloaded from here, but there must also be available .deb or .rpm packages in some repository. You may also find useful to consult the DIYBookScanner Forum for help about related issues.
Let us know if you manage to make it run!
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Comments (3)
sanzoghenzo said
at 8:16 pm on Nov 18, 2012
Testing on Bodhi linux (ubuntu derivate). What I found so far:
1- for rmagick to install you have to sudo apt-get install libmagick++-dev (maybe libmagickcore-dev is enough)
2- for jbig2enc to compile you have to sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev (and obviously git to download sources)
3- homer /path/to/dir -l is gives me "PWD: command not found" error on line 1128, where $(PWD) is used (I'm using the bash script from the documentation section since the link above does not work). tesseract works but pdfbeads cannot find the right path.
lupocos said
at 9:48 pm on Nov 18, 2012
The "pwd" bash command returns the path of directory where one is located, and it should be available on most UNIX-based operating systems. What happens if you type "pwd"? Does the bash shell return the current path? And what happens when you type "which pwd"? Does something like that "/bin/pwd" appear?
Try both cases, "pwd" and "PWD", to see whether it is a matter of lower/uppercase.
I have never tested the Homer bash script on a Linux machine, and I don't have one ad hand, I'm sorry I can't help you right now.
The homer script itself is quite "verbose" and repetitive, and despite its confusion and complexity, it only does a few simple tasks. I made it a while ago, when I was learning bash scripting. You may want to try yourself to look into it, and adapt it to your needs.
Also, bear in minds that, from the time we first released Homer, all the other software which we included in the Homer package might have undergone updates, or they might even be no longer maintained by their original developers. We are only responsible for the script which installs and then puts the other software together; not for the development and maintenance of each one the them (e.g., tesseract, pdfbeads, scantailor, etc.).
I hope this might help you. Let us know if you have further question.
sanzoghenzo said
at 10:42 pm on Nov 18, 2012
It seems that changing $(PWD) to $PWD does the trick.
pwd and $PWD correctly display the current path, $(PWD) does not.
under mac there are /bin/pwd and /bin/PWD, on linux (at least on my current system) only /bin/pwd
the error on the previous comment prevents the code to correctly call pdfbeads, tesseract worked fine. I simply ran pdfbeads by hand and the pdf was created correctly.
I don't have any book to scan right now, but I'll keep you updated as soon as I have to use it again :)
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