
About this project

Page history last edited by lupocos 12 years, 3 months ago

The video below shows how Homer works and explains the motivations to develop this solution. It was recorded during the event Whatever is to Become of Books?, part of the London Design Festival of 2011. Or just read the brief text under the video.




Office scanners are made to copy office papers, not books. It is hard to fit correctly a book page and you also risk damaging the book.

There are commercial solutions today that simplify the process of digitalising books while lowering the chances of damage. Most of these make use of digital cameras, combined with some kind of software that converts the photos into readable documents. However, these solutions don’t work for all cameras and their prices put them beyond the reach of the average consumer.

Homer is a prototype that aims to bridge this gap. It works with simple digital cameras and uses a combination of free and open source software to transform loose digital images into a readable, searchable PDF. Plus, the software package includes an installer that automatically sets up all the programs, allowing also users with basic computer skills to benefit from the solution.

Our aim in putting together this prototype is to enable libraries, schools and individuals with limited budgets to have access to a simple and yet efficient book scanning solution.


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Dear Homer users, we are no longer able to maintain the Homer script for future Windows and Mac OS X updates, or for different platforms (eg, Linux). However, since this is an open project, we welcome you all to participate and help updating the script. You are also welcome to participate at the DIY Book Scanner Forum: http://diybookscanner.org/forum/


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